Yard Signs

Scroll down to download the signs

Are you tired of being stuck in Traffic, having strangers dictate what you can or cannot do regarding your own reproductive health, paying your life savings into home insurance, excessive HOA fees, your state representative not looking after your interests, excessive healthcare costs, no access to Medicaid, year after year stinking – fish killing – irritating red tide, being told that your children cannot learn about their own history or even Romeo and Juliet, underfunding your schools & teachers or closing of your schools, fearing that our democracy will be overthrown, fearing your religion is not going to be treated equally, fearing that you will be targeted for deportation?

Then blame the Republicans who have ruled in Tallahassee the past 30 years with a supermajority. There is no way you can blame the Democrats for the mess in Manatee County.

Vote Democrat up and down your Ballot in November to send a clear message that we the people are taking back control of Florida FOR THE PEOPLE.

From a campaign financing perspective, my campaign principle of government by the people for the people, has to face off against the superPACs. Their biggest donors are Developers and related Financial, and Insurance PACS “buying” the Republican candidates by overfilling their campaign coffers. Dollar for Dollar it is not a fair fight, but Principle by Principle, we have the upper hand. Look up their Donors at ROBINSON, WILLIAM (WILL) – FollowTheMoney.org for example.

Your support for my campaign is vitally important and can take the form of small dollar donations up to a limit of $1,000 per donor, or by volunteering your time and effort to me and/or any of the Manatee County Democratic Party and Caucuses, or simply by spreading the word.

In the latter case, one way you can help is to download my yard sign here (Yard Sign, and, if you want to, Side 2 / Table Sign ), print it and place it well inside your property lines, within sight of your security camera if you have one, where it will be a crime for others to vandalize or steal it. It is sized for a standard 18″ x 24″ sign that can be printed on one or both sides. Even a better option is to print an extra one or more for your friends and family to display the same way.

Thank you for your support!