
I believe deeply in the basic principles of democracy:
• Governance by the people, for all the people.
• Respectful acceptance and inclusion of all citizens.
• Freedom for everyone to pursue happiness and prosperity.
• Respect the environment & plan for climate change
• Respect the Rule of Law

To preserve and secure freedom and equal opportunities for all the variety of our citizens, be it neuro diversity, intellectual diversity, racial, cultural, sexual or physical diversity.

As responsible citizens we all want a government that respect the will of the people, budget responsibly and administers competently. We all want a strong defense and leadership in foreign affairs. We want potholes filled, less traffic congestion, a clean environment, the best education for our children, attention to climate change and better planned and maintained infrastructure. All of us care about individual freedoms and equality of opportunity.

Safeguarding health and reproductive rights underscore the importance of preserving individual liberties and autonomy over personal health decisions.

To “Save Florida Home Rule” we must oppose the state's attempt to take over the Anna Maria island cities. If they take over Anna Maria, who will be next?

Protecting Our Democracy means pushing back against the erosion of democratic norms and the proliferation of baseless claims that threaten the very essence of our political system. In honoring the legacy bestowed upon us by the founding fathers, we affirm our responsibility as citizens to cherish, nurture, and fiercely defend the principles of democratic governance.

We have much more in common across political divides than what the media portrays. We must reject harmful and divisive rhetoric and accept that we are fellow patriotic citizens of our beautiful Nation, working towards prosperity for us and our children.

Adriaan For a Better District 71