Project 2025

Please view the above video all the way to the end. The first 80% is all party rhetoric where Kevin Roberts is attempting to sell himself as an intellectual to the unwary. However, by listening all the way to the end, you will realize that he is nothing but a straight-faced lying insurrectionist wannabe with a slick presentation, and by his motives, someone who is deeply against our Republic and the Constitution which clearly establishes our government and separation of power into co-equal branches, and which is based on democratically elected representatives for our government. (BTW it appears that the above video of the interview on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast, has been removed, probably because they realized how damaging the truth is).

A brief overview of Project 2025, the heart of the extreme Trumpian Republican movement:

Project 2025 (Click to view and download it – about 900 pages)

Project 2025 will:

Restrict Access to Reproductive Health Care, and to in vitro fertilization (IVF), standard contraceptive methods, and defund Planned Parenthood.

Demolish the Department of Education, ban educational books and re-write history that suits their narrative.

Replace practically all non-partisan Government Institutions, including the FBI and CIA, with partisan puppets pre-trained to “kiss the leader’s ring”.

Undermine Quality of Life of millions of Americans by removing critical protections and dismantling programs for communities across the nation. It is prioritizing special interests and ideological extremism over people.

If enacted, the project will lead to about 4.3 million people losing overtime protections, 40 million people having their food assistance reduced, and the loss of hundreds of thousands of American jobs.

By expanding the powers of the Executive Branch (the President), all these extreme changes can be accomplished by executive orders without waiting for congressional approval.

Impact on Civil Rights and Environment: The project will reverse decades of progress for civil rights and redefine the way our society operates. It will also stop federal efforts to mitigate climate change.

Our Democracy as Founded: The USA by its Constitution is a Republic founded on Democracy. A significant and polarizing extreme faction among extreme Republicans regularly try to argue that we are not a democracy because the Constitution does not contain the word “Democracy” However, the Constitution clearly describes for us a Republic based on representatives elected by the people, for the people. To understand this, we need a brief lesson on what is democracy:

  1. A democracy is a form of government where the people elect their leaders who serve their wishes with regular re-affirmation of their leaders through voting.
  2. A “pure democracy” is a democracy where the people vote for their leaders based on 1 person – one-vote, where the leaders with the most votes are elected, i.e. by “popular vote”.
  3. The democracy on which our Republic is constitutionally founded, is a variation of the “pure” democracy in that the people elect Representatives from various geographic regions where the number of Representatives is roughly based on the population of each region. The elected Representatives then staff the various government institutions where they govern by consensus and in proportion to their party affiliations.

Project 2025 was launched in 2022 and aims to overthrow the U.S. federal government if a Republican wins the 2024 election. It plans to replace existing civil servants with tens of thousands of pre-trained conservatives, loyal to the president who will then have absolute control … so much for our constitutional balance of power institutions.

Key proposals include dismantling the Department Of Justice, FBI, Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Commerce, the EPA and cutting environmental regulations, abolishing the Department of Education, and restricting abortion and contraception. It seeks to infuse government with Christian principles, end Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs, and use the military for domestic law enforcement. All of these are against our Constitution. It is clearly a game-plan to install an authoritarian regime based on and promoting Christian nationalism. Many Republicans see through the rhetoric and are voicing their concerns.