My Focus

Please select any of the highlights or images below for more information.

Responsible Development in balance with Infrastructure.

  • Save Florida’s Home Rule

Health & Reproductive Rights

  • This is nothing less than a fundamental human freedom for women


  • Unite for a more civil, less divisive, and more tolerant Tallahassee
  • Restore the voice of the people over government


  • Ensure our schools and teachers are properly funded and not politicized

Responsible Development:
“Save Florida Home Rule”
Protect our Environment.

Protect Our Democracy

Safeguard Health and Reproductive Rights

Protect & Fund our Schools

It is imposible to have only one or two areas of focus while there is so much at stake at local, state, and national level that urgently needs normalization and upgrading. However, these are the handful of topics nearest and dearest to my heart, that are specific to our district and our state, that deserve a very high priority.